Monday, August 2, 2010
LA Reflection, Blog 11 (The Post and The Herald)
Friday, July 30, 2010
Journey Reflection, Blog 10 (THe Post and The Herald
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Pros and Cons of School Uniforms, Blog 9 (The Herald)
You read the article Pros and Cons of School Uniforms. The article states both sides of the argument. Now, it’s time for you to decide which side you support.
You have 1 question to answer on the blog today. Be sure to read the question carefully and answer it completely. Use your notes to support your answer.
The Leadership Team at ISAAC has been debating over whether or not to have students where a uniform. Some feel that wearing uniforms will help create a more professional and serious environment. This will help students focus and increase academic performance. Others argue that uniforms will take away from student’s individuality and identity.
How do you feel about uniforms at ISAAC?
After reading the article Pros and Cons of School Uniforms and hearing the pros and cons of uniforms write a letter to any member of the leadership team persuading them to agree with your opinion.
Dr. Johnson, Mrs. Salmon, Mrs. Fioravanti, or Mr. Howes
Called Out, Blog 9 (The Post)
Today you read the article, Called Out on your own. In the article you read about why and how to intervene when friends are engaging in destructive behavior. The article discusses behavior problems, warning signs and strategies that can be used.
You have 3 questions to answer on the blog.
Be sure to read the question carefully and completely answer the question.
1.What is an intervention? Give two examples.
2.List 3 warning signs that someone needs help.
3.Imagine that you need to get advice or help of an adult to help a friend in trouble. Use information from the article to write guidelines that you and your classmates can follow.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Same Time Next Year, Blog 8 (The Herald)

I Can Fight You on Thursday..., Blog 8 (The Post)

Monday, July 19, 2010
Surviving Peer Pressure, Blog 7 (The Herald)