Today you read the short story, I can Fight You on Thursday, on your own. In the story Cliff Crumpleton, the school bully has made his rounds and Marshall McPhee is his current victim. Marshall does everything he can to dodge the fight. He even tried to trick Cliff into thinking he had a contagious foot disease. In the end, Cliff shows that brains can certainly dominate even the "badest" bully.
You have 2 question to answer. Be sure to read the question carefully and completely answer the question. Use details from the story to support your ideas.
1. Does [something or someone] in this text remind you os [something or someone] in your own life? Explain and describe.
2.What do you think will happen next, if Cliff realizes that Marshall has outwitted him? Use information from the story to support your answer.
In this story , Marshall is similar to my brother in my own life. For example, my brother try to make and excuses to get out of trouble. Another similarity is that he say he has to go do something but he really don't just like when marshall took out his book and said he has to do something this day. On difference I noticed is that marshall will run from a fight but my brother will stick up for his self. I think that these similarities anddifferences show that my brother is not afraid of fight a person, but marshall is afraid so he find thing to get away from it. ~Patricia Destine
ReplyDelete1. This text reminds me of my friend when she had a problem with a bully. She avoid the fight by trying to be friends with everyone at school and try to get along with them well like marshall did.
ReplyDelete2. What i think that will happen next if cliff realizes that marshall outwitted him badly try not to bother him again and leave him alone.
1.)in this story, the fighting is similar to my sister and me in my own life. For example, my sister got me in trouble and so she told a lie and I got mad and beat her up but we were playing around with each other it was fun. Another similarity is that my friend fought this boy and beat him up and the boy was crying like a baby and the boy was 12 and my friend is 11. 2.)In the end, Marshall has outwitted Cliff and everybody thought that Marshall was going to get beat up but he didn't if Marshall didn't have that rocket he would of got beaten up but Marshall did it. I think that Cliff will learn his lesson to stop bullying people. I personally think that Cliff will stop bullying and pay attention on his school work instead.I think this is because Marshall beat him up and now he's not beating people up because Marshall will beat him up for them.
1. In this story, Marshall McPhee uses his wit to avoid getting beat up by Cliff. This reminds me of my brother evading questions to avoid getting into trouble. For example, if my mom asks him if he threw something and got it stuck in a tree he would ask a question in return or act like he didn't hear her. A difference that I noticed is that Marshall never did get beat up but my brother usually gets into trouble no matter what he does. These similarities and differences show that my brother and Marshall are both very smart.
ReplyDelete2. In the end Marshall tricks Cliff into thinking that he actually punched him by making the model rocket land behind Cliff. I think that Marshall and Cliff will become friends because Cliff thinks marshall punched him and that would make him respect Marshall. I believe this would happen because Marshall was the one to have hurt Cliff the most in a fight. Here is a quote to prove my point "Cliff rubbed his sore chin and gazed up at Marshall in amazement, that was the hardest punch he had ever received". I think it would be good if this happened because then Cliff wouldn't be so mean to everyone if he had a friend. Brianne M.
In the end, cliff will be surprise that marshall beat him up. The story end when marshall was about to fight and it was 3:05 and his rocket came down on cliff and cliff went to the ground. I think that cliff will want a re-match. Then he will tell him what time to meet him at and it will start all over again but with a different thing coming out of the sky. I think this because he nerve wanted to be beat by a person. Here is my quote to prove my point "cliff likes to win a match all the time."I think this because he never wanted to be beaten by a person before.~Patricia Destine
ReplyDelete1.) In this story, bullying is similar to my brother in my own life. For example, him punching me. Another similarity is people getting bullied at school.(verbal bullying) On difference I noticed is that my brother hurts me rather that being verbal bullying. I think that these similarities and differences show that they both hurt anybody.
ReplyDelete2.) In the end, Marshall has friends at a rocket club that shot a rocket up and comes down hitting Cliff and Marshall acted smart to shoot up that rocket. I think that Cliff is in the hospital in the infirmary getting broken bones and casts and Cliff, when he gets better he will try to get revenge and get back on Marshall one day. I think this because Cliff is a bully and Marshall is the only one who made Cliff mad and want to beat him up more and Cliff is a bully. Here is my quote to prove my point that Cliff is a bully "Kiss my feet" I think this would be good because thats what Cliff said to Marshall when Cliff was blocking Marshall's next class telling him that Cliff is going to kick Marshall in the face. GarretT
In this story , Marshall is similar to my brother in my own life. For example, my brother try to make and excuses to get out of trouble. Another similarity is that he say he has to go do something but he really don't just like when marshall took out his book and said he has to do something this day. On difference I noticed is that marshall will run from a fight but my brother will stick up for his self. I think that these similarities anddifferences show that my brother is not afraid of fight a person, but marshall is afraid so he find thing to get away from it. ~Patricia Destine
ReplyDelete1. In this story Cliff Crumpleton is similar to my fourth grade bully at Nathan Hale school. For example when I wrote something on the girls bathroom about one of her friends she got mad a me so the next day during breakfast she was waiting for me outside but i was scared two go so I stayed inside and ate my breakfast slowly and I knew I had two face her so when I went outside she ask me why I wrote those thing about her I just ignored her and walk two to the the playground. Then the next day while I was in the bathroom I say a whole wall full of mean thing about me. One difference is I noticed is that cliff grow up as a bully and my fourth grade bully was a bully by threatened kids.
ReplyDelete2. I would think cliff would really beat him or he would not bully Marshall again because I said one the last page he when the rocket came down Cliff thought that Marshall punch he described it as being hit by a rocket.Moli,M
1.In this story Marshall is similar to a boy I know on my street who gets picked on a lot and gets beat up.He wears a suit all the time like Marshall does in the story. He's kinda nerdy and everybody picks on him.His name is Matthew and he has a afro and buck teeth. One difference is that Marshall stood up to cliff and Matthew didn't stand up to our neighborhood bully.
ReplyDelete2.I think that people will be scared of marshall instead of cliff now because of that rocket. Also because he stood up to cliff too.-Alexis
1 . This story about Marshall reminds me about a boy who gets pick on in Nathan Hale school but he not a boy u would pick for gym class . He's a weird boy and he plays with toys no one likes him. 2. I think he try to get him bye holding him but the teacher comes because they see the big crowed and finds the bully beating him up so the bully gets ex spelled.
ReplyDelete- chantele
This reminds me of a TV show when a kid got bullied everyday and beat up everyday and everybody hates him. Marshall out smarted Cliff with the rocket because cliff thinks that marshall hit him in the face.I think that cliff will like him because he might think he's tough because he's the only one who stud up to a bully.
In this story Cliff and Marshall are similar to me and my brother in my own life. For example, my brother bullies me and Cliff bullies Marshall. Another similarity is we are both threatened by them to get beat. One difference I noticed is that my brother and I are not always enemies other than Cliff and Marshall. I think that these similarities and differences show that Marshall and I have similarities.
ReplyDeleteIn the end, Marshall comes to Cliff for the fight. Cliff grabs Marshall and he's going to punch him. But luckily Marshall's rocket is coming down to earth and then knocks Cliff down.
1. In this story, when Marshall Mcphee tries to stall the bully so he won't get beaten up is similar to my cousin Elizia when she was in school she tried to stall the teacher so her class wouldn't have to take a test for the last 10 minutes of class. Something different I noticed is that Cliff beat up mostly every boy in Nathan Hale School, my cousins friend Nathan is a bully in his school but he didn't beat up all the boys. I think that these differences and similarities show that some people are like others but other people have their own personalities.
ReplyDeleteIn the end of this story Marshall ends up fighting Cliff and winning the fight. I think that now that Cliff has had a taste of his own medicine he will be more nice to the boys and everyone else. I think this because when Cliff was beating everyone up he didn't know how it felt, but now that he has been beaten up he won't do it any more because he knows how it feels. Here is a quote to prove my point " He rubbed his sore chin and gazed up at Marshall in total amazement, thinking that that was the hardest punch he had ever received. I think this would be good if this happened because now less boys are getting hurt. - Jhannah r.