Today you read the short story, Same Time Next Year, on your own. The main character, Marla Nixbok is convinced that she's the best of the best. She is always ahead of her time and is certain that the world revolves around her. Bluford Planet, the new kid, is not intimidated, even though, Marla perceives him as a dweeb. Surprised by his confidence Marla is drawn to Ford in spite he is a dweeb. Marla and Ford can't resist exploring what appears to be a time machine left inside his basement. And before they know it Marla launches herself truly ahead of her time.
You have 2 questions to answer. Be sure to read the question carefully and completely answer the question. Use details from the story to support your ideas.
1. Does [something or someone] in this text remind you of [something or someone] in your own life? Explain and describe.
2. What do you think will happen next? Will Buford tell what happened to Marla? Will he ignore her disappearance? Will he be blamed or will others believe what happened? Will Marla be missed? by friends, parents, etc. Use information from the story to support your answer.
In this story, Same Time Next Year, Ford is similar to my sister in my own life. For example, They both speak their mind when somebody is doing something wrong. Another similarity is that they are both very intelligent like when Ford figured out it was a time machine and how my sister hasn't gotten anything lower than an A-.
ReplyDeleteOne difference I noticed between Ford and my sister is that Ford lives in Northern California and my sister lives in Waterford Ct. I think that these similarities and differences show that Ford and my sister are very similar.
In the end. Marla ended up in the middle of space due to her cockyness and her overconfidence. I think that Buford will see her the next year and laugh because she picked on and used him. I think this because Marla finally got a taste of her own medicine. One quote to prove my point is "Marla Nixbok finally got what she always wanted, a crystal clear vision of her future". I think this would be good if it happened because if Marla got bak to Earth, she would be kind and considerate.
Question 1
ReplyDeleteIn this story Same Time next year Marla the main character is taught a lesson she is a stuck up future geek who has no care for other people eat all. Marla is similar to many people but i want to connect her to my mom my mom is very controlling and does this to protect me but it is annoying. One difference that Marla has from others is that she try to wear next next years style and try to look futuristic. The characteristic show that she is very crazy and open-minded
Question 2
In the end Marla dies because she went one year in the future o the same exact spot which a year later was space and she lost air and died. She so deserved this because she didn't have patients and find out what would happen to her.
1. In this story bully's are similar to Marla in my own life. For example, like Marla bully's try to get their way by pressuring others to make them do things. Another similarity is that they make you do things by force to make them do what they want.
ReplyDelete2. In the end Marla and Ford have a big fight and Ford tries to keep her from from getting in the time machine but she gets in and when she appears in the future and dies because she appears in space. I think that Ford will try to tell some one but no one will believe the story he tells them.I think this because every one will think that their is no such thing as a time machine.i think this would not be good because everyone will search for Marla and no one will believe Ford. - Nigeria Davis
1. In this story marla is similar to max in my own life for example marla dosnt care what people think and neither dose max.another similariteis is that when ford tells marla to not to jump in she still dose and when max's mom says not to go next to the edge of the cliff he still dose and he ends up falling off and dying just like marla or so we think. one diffrence is preetty much nothing execpt max was a boy and marla is a girl.
ReplyDelete2. in the end ford tries to save her by throwing a rope in so marla can grab on to it it worked but when he pulled her. and i think it was to late she was gone. i think that when she went in to the future it wasnt compleatly working because she had no air. because in the story it stated that marla took her last breath so i think that she was having some hard time breathing there and that is not good because she dies.
By: Amalyah Harkness
Only one person came to mind after I read this story. I thought of this girl Clair. She thought she was perfect. But really she was like everyone else. However, that never occured to her. She spent all her time making fun of people. She always found something to pick at, whether it be your clothes or your lunch. Surprisingly, everybody wanted to be her friend. She was just like Marla.
ReplyDelete2. Speaking of Marla, nobody ever saw or heard from her again. I don't think Ford told anybody about her either. They would have thought he was crazy. If I was him, I would just pretend that it never happened. She was mean and nasty. She got what she deserved.- PM
In this story, Same Time Next Year Marla is similar to my sister. she thinks that she is better than any other person alive. For example, they both think that they are the best so people want to be their friend. Another similarity is that they both like to use people to get things. One difference I noticed was that my sister doesn't believe that the world revolves around her.
ReplyDeleteIn the end Marla died in space because she didn't like to listen to anyone. She did what she wanted to when she wanted to. I think that Ford would not feel bad about her being in space because it was her fault she got there. Her is a quote to prove my point "Your crazy, your the type of person who would dive headfirst into an empty pool, just to see how empty it is." I think this would be good because if she did that she would know not to be persistent
In this story, Marla Nixbok is similar to Tandi in my life. For example Marla try's to be different then everybody and Tandi dresses like us but she thinks she doesn't for example we have the same sandals and she claims that hers cost more than mine and that they are so much better than mine and mine actually cost more than hers.=(
ReplyDeleteI think everything will change like how... People won't try to live the ways she lives and try to kiss up to her it will go back to normal before Marla came and they will miss her and have question about it, there will probably be an investigation on why she just disappeared...=)
Ms. Teija Goode Aka Bugsbunny 4 eva=) Lolzz
1. Marla is similar to Terrell in the book bully because Terrell always had to be the big person. The best of the best. Like in the book The Bully (Terrell) got beat up by a nerd and then he got really mad because he is supposed to be better than everyone and he wasn't gonna let a nerd ruin his reputation. A difference that I noticed is that Marla had to be the stylish one and Terrell just had to be the tough one. he could care less about style. These similarities show that these people (Terrell and Marla) are stuck up and need to enjoy life as it is.
ReplyDelete2. In the end she runs into the time machine and as she takes her last breath she dies. I think that everyone else will not believe the story and they will blame ford for killing her. I think this because nobody is gonna believe that story about the time machine. Everyone is probably gonna think that Ford killed her in the basement. Here is a quote to prove my point. "Fine go see the future". says Ford. Desmond pettit
~*Catherine y. possession*~
ReplyDelete(1.) In this story Buford is similar to someone that i knew in my life. For example, i possession myself in marla's place she judged a lot in the story. She judged people on how they looked, they judged people on the way their house looked, and what she thought about them. Even, thought she never said this out loud to that person she would always have it on her mind. (2.) Another similarity is that i can relate to is when Marla sat next to Buford and started to judge him on his hair and on the way his hair had to much jail. One difference i noticed is the one were she had realized is when she went to Buford's house to study.I think that these similarities and differences show that me and Marla have many things in common both bad things and good things. (3.) In the end of the story Marla dies.What i think will happen next in the story is she will get buried and everyone will be very very very sad.=(*I think this is because she has just died. The quote that proves my quote is when it says on page 139 Now she knows all too well why Wilmington and Buffy the bear can never come back, and her last breath is sucked out of her lungs by the viod of the space, Marla Nixbok finally gets what she had always wanted: a crystal clear vision oh her own. Now, and for ever=)*<33~~~~=P
This story was very confusing. I didn't read it but I did skim through it and what I found out about this Marla girl is that she's negative, always complaining,she's really conceded, and a bully to other kids, and often says to her friends, "I was born 100 years too early". In this story, Marla is so conceded and cares about only herself and bullies on other kids. This reminds me of someone I know. The way she acts make me so mad. She thinks that everyone loves her and she wants to be treated special but she not even nice herself. Just because she thinks she's so perfect, she thinks that she can go and be mean to other people but she doesn't do that to me or my friends do that to me or my friends because the last time she did, she got so bad karma. She tried to trip me but instead I stepped on her foot and she broke her ankle and had to hop around like a flamingo on crutches for 2 months.(this is not a true story) -anandah
ReplyDeleteIn this story, Marla Nixbox is similar to London Tipton in my own life. For example, on her show "SUITE LIFE ON DECK". On her show she pretty, rich, gets any thing she wants and when she doesn't she gets mad. She lives in a hotel that her dad owns. Another similarity is that people can be full of them selves some times that they don't even notice it just gets me so mad some times. On difference I noticed is that some people who are full of them selves.
ReplyDelete1. In this story marla is similar to my little sister in my own life. For example, my sister can be very bossy and mean. Another similarity is that my sister acts like the queen of the universe. One difference is that my sister does not were all the makeup. I think that these similarities and differences show that my sister is different and the same as marla.
ReplyDelete2. In the end, Buford's house is searched for marla's body but no body was found. then Buford shows the police the time machine, and then they destroy it. I think this would be a good thing because if they destroy it then no one else can use it and die.
Zachariah L.