Friday, July 30, 2010
Journey Reflection, Blog 10 (THe Post and The Herald
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Pros and Cons of School Uniforms, Blog 9 (The Herald)
You read the article Pros and Cons of School Uniforms. The article states both sides of the argument. Now, it’s time for you to decide which side you support.
You have 1 question to answer on the blog today. Be sure to read the question carefully and answer it completely. Use your notes to support your answer.
The Leadership Team at ISAAC has been debating over whether or not to have students where a uniform. Some feel that wearing uniforms will help create a more professional and serious environment. This will help students focus and increase academic performance. Others argue that uniforms will take away from student’s individuality and identity.
How do you feel about uniforms at ISAAC?
After reading the article Pros and Cons of School Uniforms and hearing the pros and cons of uniforms write a letter to any member of the leadership team persuading them to agree with your opinion.
Dr. Johnson, Mrs. Salmon, Mrs. Fioravanti, or Mr. Howes
Called Out, Blog 9 (The Post)
Today you read the article, Called Out on your own. In the article you read about why and how to intervene when friends are engaging in destructive behavior. The article discusses behavior problems, warning signs and strategies that can be used.
You have 3 questions to answer on the blog.
Be sure to read the question carefully and completely answer the question.
1.What is an intervention? Give two examples.
2.List 3 warning signs that someone needs help.
3.Imagine that you need to get advice or help of an adult to help a friend in trouble. Use information from the article to write guidelines that you and your classmates can follow.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Same Time Next Year, Blog 8 (The Herald)

I Can Fight You on Thursday..., Blog 8 (The Post)

Monday, July 19, 2010
Surviving Peer Pressure, Blog 7 (The Herald)

The Word on Bullies, Blog 7 (The Post)

Thursday, July 15, 2010
A Letter from the Fringe, Blog 6 (The Herald)

The Crush, Blog 6 (The Post)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Diabetic Teen, Blog 5 (The Post and The Herald)

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Seventh Grade, Blog 4 (The Herald)

You just finished reading and discussing the short story, Seventh Grade by Gary Soto. Now it's time to post your response.
You have two questions to answer. Label your responses 1 and 2 and separate them with two spaces.
Remember you can use the answer frame below to help construct your response. However, you don't have to you can use your own sentence beginnings and transitions.
Be sure to write in complete sentences, use capital letters and punctuate. Reread your work and have either a peer or teacher review your response before posting to edit and revise.
One last thing, Don't forget to include your name!
1. From whose point of view is this text written? Why do you think the author chose this voice? Give examples from the reading to support your answer.
The narrator in this text is ____________________________. I think that the author chose this voice because ____________________________________In the story when _____________________ ___________ __________________________________, he says, _________________________________________________________(use a quote from the story). This helps me understand that____________________________ _____________________. Another thing that Victor states is __________________ (use quote). This tells me_______________________________________________. I liked/ didn’t like the way the author used this voice because_______________________ __________________________________________________________________.
2.Does something in this text remind you of something in your life, another story, movie, etc? Explain.
_____________________________________________________from the text reminds me of __________ _______________________________________________. These are similar because ________________ ___________________. Another way they are similar is ________________________________________ ____________________________One way they are different because ______________________________ ____________________.
The Ordinary Son, Blog 4 (The Post)

You just finished reading and discussing the short story, The Ordinary Son. Now it's time to post your response.
You have two questions to answer. Label your responses 1 and 2 and separate them with two spaces.
Remember you can use the answer frame below to help construct your response. However, you don't have to you can use your own sentence beginnings and transitions.
Be sure to write in complete sentences, use capital letters and punctuate. Reread your work and have either a peer or teacher review your response before posting to edit and revise.
One last thing, Don't forget to include your name!
1. From whose point of view is this text written? Why do you think the author chose this voice? Give examples from the reading to support your answer.
The narrator in this text is ____________________________. I think that the author chose this voice because _____________________________________________ In the story when _______________________________ __________________________________, he says, __________________________________ _______ ______________________________(use a quote from the story). This helps me understand that ________________________________________________ _____________________. Another thing that the Ordinary Son states is _____ _______________________________________________ (use quote). This tells me _______________________________________________________. I liked/ didn’t like the way the author used this voice because _____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________.
2.Does something in this text remind you of something in your life, another story, movie, etc? Explain.
__________________________________________ from the text reminds me of _____________________ __________________. These are similar because______________________________. Another way they are similar is ____________________________ ____________________________One way they are different because _________________________________________.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Identity Crisis, Blog 3
Friday, July 2, 2010
What's your Color?, Blog 2
You just finished reading and completing a personality quiz. Do you agree or disagree with the results? Write a short response explaining your opinion about the results of your quiz. You can use the following answer frames to help you begin your response.
1. I strongly agree with the results of the personality quiz. It determined that my color is ____________. _____________ means that I am ________________________.
It also says that I ________________. I agree with this because _________________.
2. I somewhat agree with the results of the personality quiz. It determined that my color is ____________. _____________ means that I am ______________________.
It also says that I ____________. I agree with this because ___________________. However, I disagree with this because ________________________.
3. I strongly disagree with the results of the personality quiz. It determined that my color is ____________. _____________ means that I am _____________________________.
It also says that I _______________________. I think that I am __________________.